I love
going to flea-markets and auctions: it's like treasure hunting! The downside is,
inevitably, to acquire the one thing that caught your eye, you have to bid on a
whole box-lot of otherwise unwanted stuff. Getting rid of the excess turns out to
be kind of fun on eBay. If you really want to see the gory details, my current auctions
(if any) and feedback are compiled by eBay
eBay Auction
make creating eye-catching auction listings a snap. They
also help develop a loyal client base by engendering instant
recognition and a certain degree of credibility and expertise.
Holiday and seasonal theme images can be added for variety
and freshness. To effectively use templates, you must host
your ad photos on an Internet server; eBay's erratic IPIX
service does not support personalized ads. To discuss your
eBay business template needs, email
to the FBI's May 2001 : "Auction fraud is by far the most reported Internet fraud, comprising
nearly two-thirds of all complaints." A little caution will save you a lot
of trouble and financial loss. Keep yourself from being scammed: start slow and
learn the ropes. Research before you bid. A good starting point is TechTV's Cybercrime
. Caveat emptor!
"Perfect seller: friendly emails, quick ship, great packaging, great item. Thanks!!!"
Nelson, Laguna Beach, CA |
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